10 Inexpensive and Useful Stocking Stuffers For Kids

Tis the season to start looking for inexpensive and useful stocking stuffers for kids. 

A long time ago, at least it seems that way to me since I now have adult children and an almost 2 year old, stocking stuffers were much different than now a days. 

When I was growing up, there were no stockings and usually there were no Christmas trees or presents. My parents could not afford them.

Now you can find expensive gifts that should be under the tree but instead are in stockings. Seems like stockings have also gotten bigger and wider. 

Do kids really need all that stuff that they get in their stockings? 

Probably not. 

I used to be that mom who would stuff their stockings or at one time we did plastic buckets with all kinds of things because I wanted them to experience what I hadn’t. It took some years to realize that I was just wasting money and my kids didn’t need all that stuff. 

I became more intentional of how much money I spent and what I bought. I don’t think that stocking stuffers should be expensive but that is up to you. I will share 10 inexpensive and useful ones that I know my kids would love.


10 Stocking Stuffers for Kids

I have 6 children that range from 20 years old down to almost 2. My almost 2 year old is my little boy. That means for the past so many years my stocking stuffers were for my 5 girls. I hope my list will give you some ideas and as I gain more experience with having a boy I will make adjustments to the list. 


1. Chaptstick or Lip Gloss

Definitely a favorite for my girls and is very useful during any time of year but especially in the cold months.


2. Bath Bombs or Colored Bath Tablets

Both of these have been favorites for my girls. The colored bath tablets were fun for the girls when they were younger.


3. Chocolates

Something sweet is always a part of the stocking stuffers. Usually its the Hershey chocolate bars.


4. Favorite Drinks and Snacks

Soda which is not great for you would be a treat that some of my girls would enjoy. Same thing with snacks. Yes, I know it’s not the healthiest but once in a while is okay.


5. Notebooks, Diaries, and Stickers

Useful and practical and will get used.


6. Socks

Make them fluffy or fun but for some reason my girls have always enjoyed getting socks.


7. Small Stuffed Animals

Palm pals are little stuffed toys that all of my girls like. They are soft and adorable and there are so much to choose from.


8. Small Lego Sets or Activity Sets

Take a look around because usually you can find a small set under $10.


9. Brain Teaser or Fidget Toy

Even your teen could use a stress ball.


10. Gift Cards

For those who are a bit more picky to shop for you can get a couple of gift cards to either enjoy a drink at a coffee shop, grab a lunch, or a treat.


The list could probably go on but I do hope you have somewhere to start. Just remember spending Christmas time together and making traditions is more important than stressing about those stocking stuffers.