3 Routines Kids Need To Make Your Life Easier

Kids need routines! 

Routines are important for kids and parents. Being a mother of 6 children I have seen what life can be like with and without routines.


3 Important Routines Kids Need


1. Morning Routine

Having a morning routine for kids helps them set their day. Whether kids are going off to school or are being homeschooled they need to start their morning getting the basics done.

What are the basics of a morning routine? Getting up, getting dressed, brushing their teeth, washing their face, brushing their hair, and eating breakfast. These are the basics and no matter what day it is kids need to do this because these are good habits to carry into the teenage years and then later into adulthood. This basic morning routine also helps kids develop good hygiene. A good habit to have no matter what age you are.


2. Homeschool or After School Routine

If you are a homeschooling mother like me, you know that if there is no homeschool routine then more than likely no schooling is going to get done. It is up to you how rigid and structured you want your routine to be but please do what works for your family. 

There have been times when I have struggled with trying to be like the homeschool moms who have everything planned out. I would be so disappointed in myself for not having everything planned out and ready all the time. What I soon realized was that I couldn’t do that to myself and so I had to change my strategy. 

I simplified things in my homeschool and taught the basics and when we didn’t get everything done I took a deep breath and told myself tomorrow would be another day. There is so much pressure on kids to be a specific grade level but that doesn’t have to be the case. Take a deep breath and keep working on those reading, writing, and math skills and soon your children will far exceed where they were in the beginning. This isn’t a race and we need to take that pressure off of ourselves and stop comparing ourselves to others. 

For kids who are in school, they need an after school routine. I wasn’t always a homeschool mom and even today I have one of my children in school because that is where she thrives. An after school routine for our home includes a small break and snack and then getting homework done and practicing on their music instruments. That is what works for our family.


3. Bed Time Routine

One of the best things that I did for our family was making a bedtime routine. 

I did not realize the importance of this until I had three children and found myself stressed out going to bed almost every night. I wanted my children to get the sleep they needed and I wanted to be able to have some time to myself or some time to spend with my husband. Let me tell you, it wasn’t easy but it was doable. 

It took some time and with additional children being born (now I have 6) it became easier to make a bedtime routine. There was more peace and less stress because the children knew when it was time for bed and what they had to do. Our bedtime routine would start around 7:00-7:30. It would start a little later in the summer. It was bath time, pajamas, brushing their teeth, milk with honey, story time, a back scratch, and a hug and kiss good night. 

My husband and I would take the time after the kids were in bed to occasionally order take out and watch a movie. This is how we did our date nights and I enjoyed them immensely. I didn’t have to cook and I got to enjoy my time with my wonderful husband who is also my best friend. All the while, I didn’t have to worry about how the kids were because they were in the house peacefully sleeping.

I would highly encourage you to make a bedtime routine. It’s great for everyone in the family.

If you want to add an extra routine you can consider doing a weekend routine. Growing up, my weekend routine was deep cleaning the house. Every Saturday, I would dust, wipe down, and vacuum. I would also help prepare food for Sunday’s lunch after church. I grew up in a Slavic home and so I wouldn’t be surprised if other Slavic homes had the same routine. I know my husband’s home did.