A Short Back Story
Let me tell you a little bit about me…
I am a mother of 6 children and they range from 20 down to almost 2. Yes, my almost 2 year old little boy (after 5 girls) was a bit of a surprise. But even more so, he is a bit of a handful. I love him more than he could ever know. He attaches himself to me and would stay that way all day if he could.
However, this means that I can’t get things done, which in turn frustrates me and so on. But that is for another blog.
Why did I think that starting a blog earlier this year was a good idea? I don’t know. I guess I got talked into it. After all, I had been thinking of starting one ever since it became a thing. I just never got around to it.
So…one day I saw a young mom (I believe on Facebook) talk about how she started a blog and started earning money and her husband quit his job and they were earning a decent amount.
Why that was exactly what I had been wanting to do for the longest time. So I thought why not give it a try. I like to talk a lot and I have so much things on my mind so I thought I would give blogging a try.
I mean, from what I heard from the young mom, it wasn’t that hard and I signed up for a free class that would walk me through the steps.
So I got on Bluehost and came up with my website name and then struggled through finding a theme and getting my website up and running.
I still have not figured everything out.
What I did notice was that I was struggling with some things that made me realize that starting a blog is not easy.
I have figured out 3 reasons why starting a blog was not easy for me. Maybe this is not the case for most people but I am pretty sure that there are other moms out there that are struggling just like me. Maybe what I will share with you will help you figure out what you need to do.
My 3 Reasons
The 1st reason is the vast amount of knowledge that is out there about what it takes to start a blog and to keep blogging. There are a lot of free resources out there and it’s hard to figure out what you should watch or read and what isn’t worth your time. Those who do promise to give you all the tips and secrets tend to charge almost an arm and a leg for their classes. Sorry but I just can’t afford that.
The 2nd reason is the lack of time to do your research and work on the blog. I am a busy stay at home mom who homeschools and tries to keep the house in order and not live off of Chick-fil-A all the time. So working on a blog does not come easy. It’s hard to set aside uninterrupted time where you don’t have your children coming and asking you to find things or having your toddler crawling up in your lap and trying to help you type on the computer. It’s just hard to find that uninterrupted time.
The 3rd reason is feeling drained. Sure I have a lot on my mind and I would love to share my experiences and my knowledge but most of the time I just don’t know where to start. Most of the time I am so physically and mentally exhausted that I am just trying to make it through the day until bed time. This is usually the time when my blog gets put on the back burner. I start to think that maybe this wasn’t such a good time to start a blog and realize how hard it is. But a part of me just isn’t ready to throw in the towel just yet.
If you are a mother like me and are just starting on your blogging journey, I just want to say hang in there. Don’t give up just yet. Yes, it may not be easy but you are tough and smart and you can do this. Take one day at a time if you have to.
This isn’t a race. Just go slow and steady. That is what I have to tell myself. Who knows, maybe one day I will look back on this post and give myself a pat on the back for making it to the finish line.